After Migration Information

Migration Information

The day of the migration, your Outlook will need to synchronize the email-calendar-contacts, etc with the new Microsoft Exchange server, depending on how much email you have to upload and the speed of your internet, your Outlook email may be unavailable for some time on your desktop. The lower right hand corner of your Outlook will say “All folders up to date” when it has completed it’s synchronization with the servers.

You can check your email 2 different ways during this time…

  • Via the online Microsoft Portal
    1. Your username is your email and the password will be what you told me in the forum you just submitted.
  • Set up your phone. We will import your calendar and contacts first, so those will migrate and will be online the portal and your phone as soon as you set it up.


Instructions are here. Please save this website on your computer favorites bar


If you have any issues after the migration with your Outlook or have questions, please schedule time with Lisa on her calendar here –>  Select “prepay client” option.