Printing digital camera pictures
Many of you have stopped printing pictures in the past few years and just keep your pictures on your computer. I too am one of those people. I was thinking the other day while I was retrieving a 6 year history of family pictures off a crashed hard drive how important those pictures are.
Why are we not printing these pictures and putting them in albums to share with our family and guests when they come over? Are those days now days gone by? The photo album memories I have from my childhood are precious! My mom and Aunt just shared an hours worth of laughs last night going through their storage. Will our future’s be full of “where is that hard drive with the Hawaii photo’s on them”…and then to find a computer to install the hard drive on to view them! (in 50 years, who knows how we will be using computers).
I recommend for those that are storing all of their pictures on their computers to upload them all to Walgreen’s or another company and get them all printed. It’s good for your photo albums and as a secondary back up! I uploaded all of my pictures two years ago and it cost $20 to have them all printed.
Just my two cents on this folks!
Category: General