Moving, mini-vacations, holiday week…We’re back!
Wow, what a crazy past month at Call That Girl. As most of you know, we moved on June 15th to a new location. And it’s rocking! YAY. I can honestly say within the first 2 weeks of moving in, it’s been nothing but great so far. Having a retail-office space for us has been what we needed for a long time. I think sometimes though the saying “things happen for a reason” has some true meaning for us, because not only was the move necessary, so was the joining of our new assistant manager to help run it.
We moved. Done. Then I took a well needed extended weekend off. I came back to over 215 emails and tons of things on my to do list. It’s just now finally getting itself sorted out if you can believe that! Yesterday was a holiday day off, so we are still out of sorts, all I can say is that the past few weeks have been somewhat disorderly, but everything is now “in order” and I am ready to get back on the horse again. I kind of miss how work was going. You have your routine and when things are off, you feel off and it shows. The blogs have taken a back seat unfortunately and I do love blogging.
This was just a friendly notice that I’m glad to be “back to work” and blogs are returning. Hope you all had a great vacation day yesterday!
Category: General