Tag: Digital Hoarding Expert
Email Hoarding Expert
If you are looking for a company that offers email hoarding expert consulting or are seeking an expert to help with your email hoarding, Lisa is an Outlook expert and knows email and Outlook management very well.
Email hoarding is very common today, no one wants to lose any email. The key to good email hoarding is management of the email. We can help you create a good game plan based upon how you like to see/search and use your email. If you have it, we can hoard it! Just maybe not on your server 
Appointments may be in many parts, consider this surgery for your Outlook/Email. Moving and re-arranging email is time consuming and based upon the speed of your internet, computer, Windows version and Outlook version, this may be a very time consuming surgery, but it will get done. Lisa may ask that you upgrade your Outlook to have better performance. Requests like this often run an average of 2-4 hours.
To schedule time with Lisa, use her online scheduler below
Digital Hoarding Expert
If you are looking for a company that offers digital hoarding expert advice or are seeking an expert to help with your hoarding, we have a team of US based experts to help you and your company migrate your company to help you manage years of email.
Whatever you need, we can help. While Microsoft has support for their products, often we find our clients wanting a personal relationship with an IT company that offers faster and more responsive results.
We are all independent consults that are not hired by Microsoft, or contracted by Microsoft. We all run our own companies. Lisa Hendrickson is the manager of the team, once a request comes in, a detailed consulting hour is scheduled to review your request. Then after, she will complete the work or have you work with another expert on the team. If you happen to need work from just one expert, your information will be sent to that consultant and you are free to work together. Not every job is a team effort.
Rates range from $129 to $185 per hour
Are you a technician looking for help? We have special service rates for technicians looking for a expert help for their projects. We also offer assisted migrations for you to do a large scale migration with our help.
Services we cover
Lisa’s services:
Outlook, Office 365 Setup, Office 2016, Exchange migrations, Aftercare, Training, IT admin, helpdesk services for all of the above.
Paying for a consulting appointment prior to moving to Office 365 makes sense to help you make sure your company is buying the right product, know what programs can migrate over, what training issues you will encounter, what other technical snags might occur, etc. Create your list of questions and answers you would like help with and schedule an appointment today!
Expert work offered
Outlook Expert
Microsoft Exchange Expert
SharePoint Expert
OneNote Experts
OneDrive Expert
Business Contact Manager Expert
Outlook Training
Excel Expert
Access Expert
Word Expert
Outlook Development
Encryption Expert
Black & Spam List Expert
*We also have a Google Apps/G Suite Expert available