Tag: email transition support

Is it time to move from free email to a personal web domain?

| October 29, 2012 | 0 Comments

A lot of people like using free email accounts such as Google, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. I occasionally use Gmail, and understand why these “free” email accounts are so appealing. What I don’t understand is that people consistently and continually get hacked, yet they continue to utilize the account. If you are one of the people who have been repeatedly hacked, you should consider paying about $50 a year to get your own paid-for email account. The fun thing about it is that you can get a domain that matches your name. Say your name is Suzy Sharpe and you’ve been using SusieSharpe@gmail.com your whole life. With your own domain, you could use Susie@SusieSharp.com or Susieisthebest@SusieSharp.com, instead. This way, your email is more secure, because it’s run through a secured server rather than one of the free ones.

The main reason free email accounts get hacked so often is because they are vulnerable to all of those annoying social media applications, like Facebook. The second biggest target is, of course, Twitter. LinkedIn actually got hacked a few months ago, too! For years, Facebook has been the main source for hackers, and the reason why is that most people log in with the exact same username and password that they do when they log into their email. So, when the hackers get their Facebook information, it’s right there to log into Hotmail or Gmail or whatever, and they will meddle with it and then takeover your account.

So, my recommendation is that people spend about $50 a year on their own email system, set up their email for IMAP, and then synchronize their email with their devices. By having their own private personal email account, the vulnerability of getting hacked goes way down, plus it adds a nice spin on their personal life. Plus, if and when they want a website, they have their own domain! It’s super simple to put up your own website nowadays.

If you happen to have a large family, we recommend that you get your own domain, such as the JohnsonfamilyMinneapolis.com, or something like that. Larger families have wanted to set up blogs, websites and other sharing opportunities, too.  Family blogs are very popular and it’s a nice way to share updates from anywhere in the world.

If you would like help setting up your own personal domain for email and/or a family website and email please contact Call That Girl computer support and repair by filling out the form below or call 612-865-4475. Ask for an appointment on Lisa’s calendar and we will set up a time for a free consultation to discuss your needs!

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