Tag: How Microsoft’s buyout of LinkedIn Can Help Your Business

How Microsoft’s buyout of LinkedIn Can Help Your Business

| June 13, 2016 | 0 Comments

linkedinoutlookToday’s press release  Microsoft’s buyout of LinkedIn might come as a shock to some, but for this Microsoft Outlook Expert and Office 365 Consultant, I only feel excitement for more work opportunities for us technicians and support consultants. I feel there will be more work for those of us that work and support Microsoft Office 365, Outlook, Windows 10 and other software products.

One thing you can always count on is customer frustration with Microsoft. People want Microsoft products and hope to have a good experience with support, but that is not always the case.  My customers often times tell me that they call my business over Microsoft because they want the job done right the first time with a qualified technician.

We have a few choices as computer support technicians. We can jump in the game at LinkedIn and promote our business to offset Microsoft with sales, or be there for those that are going through issues. We also know that the clients on LinkedIn are business professionals, business owners and understand the value of getting good support. So technicians and fellow support consultants, I am telling you now…the goldmine we have been waiting for is right now.


Be ready or be left behind. Know the products and what you can support. Know Office 365 very well and have processes in place. Get on your marketing game and make it count. Update your profile on LinkedIn with all the key words for all Microsoft products. Have easy to contact buttons on your website, mobile ready. If you are slow at responding to emails or calls, you better change that if you want to have these new clients. They will move on if they don’t hear back from you. Have referrals in place if for some reason you cannot support a new client. Not every product is a perfect match. I do not support some products but have referral partners in place for such calls. I never say no to a client, I know someone else that can help them.

If you need Outlook Expert help, or want Office 365 Coaching…(meaning, you bring on a client and have questions, I can help via phone, remote or email).  Contact me here http://bit.ly/1C2IoEO