Tag: Improve your local ranking on Google

Google Ranking Services

| July 1, 2017 | 0 Comments

Google has many ways to offer to get your website into your client’s searches. You can pay for ads and those work, but what about other options? Content in your website helps but if you’re not actively adding content, Google has nothing new to search. If you didn’t add your content in the right places on your site, you might not even be found. I am offering my Google Ranking Services so you can be found for your technical services in your town.

Marketing and advertising take time no matter what you opt to use to get your business out there. The good news about my services is that as long as Google and your website are in sync with content, the blogs I create for you should last even after buying the starter set. I created the 10 blog purchase so you can buy another set at a price that won’t break your budget and you get to choose the keywords and how often.