Tag: Microsoft Office 2013

If you have Office 2003, it’s time for you to get new software

| January 18, 2014 | 0 Comments

If you haven’t heard by now, Microsoft is ending life of many software products in the next few months. The big one is Windows XP, (so that means this XP computer should be off the internet as it will not be safe). To read my blog on how to buy a new computer, click here.

office 2003Moving on, Office 2003 is already out of date and not supported. You are for sure on your own there friend! If it breaks, you can’t call Microsoft, but most people just call companies like Call That Girl to fix it anyway. Worst case scenario…we reinstall it, which you can still do.

The problem with Office 2003 either way, is that you can’t install it on a Windows 8 computer or use any of the new technology out there. If you want hosted exchange, you have to upgrade.

The latest Office 2013 is still something I am getting used to. The design is all different, but the important things we need and use on a daily basis are still there, if you can find it! They have changed how to find our usual settings but if you spend enough time, you can figure it out quickly.

Now, on to the purchasing. There are no more disks with Office 2013. You have to create a Microsoft account, and then you purchase. After that, you have access to your software at anytime. There are many packages to buy and some seem a bit more lenient than others. Such as the home version of Office 2013.

To read more about what versions to buy, click here.