Tag: microsoft outlook technical support
Office 365 Expert
Call That Girl offers Office 365 expert consulting and technical assistance to clients around the world. We offer fast same day service with no contracts. Our remote support tools allow us to remote into many computers to be more efficient.
Most clients call us for the following reasons
- Office 365 is a bit confusing and they want to talk to someone who can explain it to them and ask the right questions to make sure Office 365 is the right choice. See the “New to Office 365” section below.
- They have already been through a migration that didn’t go well. Companies such as GoDaddy seem to have migrations that leave clients calling Microsoft to finish the job. Sometimes Microsoft cannot assist. This is where I step in and can help you resolve those last lingering issues and offer on-going support. See the “Need Office 365 Aftercare” section below.
- They are looking for a smaller experienced company to help with their migrations and have it go as seamless as possible. With my forms and surveys, I do my best to have your migration completed in one day. I offer next day aftercare to insure everyone on the team has their special issues resolved. See the “Why Hire Lisa” section below.
If you are a IT Professional and are looking for coaching, I am glad to help! Contact me for information on my Office 365 coaching packages.
New to Office 365?
- Looking for a company to help your company migrate your email, calendar and contacts to Office 365 Exchange? This is one of my favorite projects to do. I help small businesses get migrated in one day and then have an aftercare session. Training is optional but I offer that with my Outlook Training Videos, created with clients in mind. Clients who purchase migrations services from us, every employee get a complimentary login so they can watch at their own pace.
- Migration pricing: I have standard pricing, no hidden prices.
Need Office 365 Aftercare?
- Already on using it and have a few questions? I know the answers! Most issues are leftover problems your IT company doesn’t know how to fix it and I do.
- Calendar and contacts a mess after a migration? I help clean it all up and help your team get organized with sharing with the team and for mobile device use.
- What about SharePoint and OneDrive? I can help you with setting up, configuring and training. The hardest part of both of these is doing everything right the first time.
- Phones, iPads and tablets not working right? Probably configured wrong, I will help you get everything in sync and teach you a few tricks I know to help your experience even be a better one!
Why Hire Lisa
Looking for an experienced technician? I have over 17 years of working with Microsoft Outlook and since 2010 have been migrating clients email from pop/IMAP to Exchange. Over the years, I have worked on making my migration processes better by documenting issues from the past. While no migration is 100% seamless, I learn from issues and update my notes and surveys. Technology can change very fast and having a technician who is up to date on these issues is the value you get with working with a small company. As well, I’m the only technician so the call back times during migrations are immediate. If your company uses 3rd party apps such as Gmail calendar syncing, iCloud or other programs, I am familiar with most of those and know how to export data correctly.
Tired of not being in the loop with your tech company? I also know how to manage expectations so when a technical snag arises, I communicate this with you as soon as I’m aware. My vendor AppRiver and their tech support team are top notch. They offer 24 x 7 support so if after we are done with the migration, you get continued phenomenal support with AppRiver. As well, I’m the only technician so the call back times during migrations are immediate. Finally, I am an Outlook Expert, so if Outlook is having issues during a migration, I know how to quickly resolve these issues.
To setup a consult, please use the form below. Thanks and I look forward to helping!
Typical Issues My Outlook Clients Call in with
As a Microsoft Outlook Expert and Office 365 Consultant…this is just a short list of issues clients call in with….create your question and book time with Lisa here!
“I am migrating to a new PC. I have purchased office 365 personal. But, struggling to figure out a solution for hosting my email and calendar”
This client needed someone to do the actual migration of their domained email from their old platform (POP) to Exchange. This is a confusing marketing message from Microsoft Office 365, most clients need to hire a migration expert to assist and get it done right.
“I need help Syncing outlook 360 calendar with Gmail /Android phone”
This client needed full migration assistance to use Office 365 properly and remove the Gmail calendar as you don’t need to use a Gmail calendar with Office 365. The Android phone can be configured to use Exchange.
“I’ve implemented Office 365 for 2 users but I need to improve the configuration to optimize its use within my firm”
Many clients will do their own Microsoft Exchange migration using the Office 365 wizard, but don’t know how to configure their Outlook and phones afterward, this is what I call “Aftercare”. Sometimes clients will also have a local IT tech do the actual record updating required to have Office 365/Exchange work, but they don’t setup the Outlook profile to work as needed nor do they train on the benefits of Exchange. I sell “Aftercare” package that gives clients the finishing touches and great customer service moving ahead.
“I have several questions related to Outlook, 2010 and 2007 versions and Office 365”
This is a very common question! Many clients have 2 computers, with different versions of Outlook and are struggling with email synching, calendars not synching and overall having data everywhere but in one place. For this client, I told him he could keep using Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010, but moving his domained email to Exchange (and skipping buying the full Office 365) was a great choice for him and his needs for his phone to synch as well.
“Looking for Office 365 and SharePoint set up and support”
This is far too common of a question! Usually my sales pitch is the same to each client, most all need Exchange (just one of the 6 products in the Office 365 package)…but SharePoint is where I really dig in for the questions to the client. If they already have a great file sharing program setup (maybe in house server, Dropbox, etc) then moving to SharePoint can be a confusing, time consuming and expensive move. I don’t feel SharePoint is right for the small business market at this point. It is clunky, integrats OneDrive (which is not for team sharing of documents) has issues synchronizing and is overall….just too dramatic. I don’t point my clients in the direction of SharePoint anymore, but rather Team Dropbox, Dropbox or File Locker (HIPAA compliant)
“I use MS Outlook, and when I added one and deleted another email account from Outlook, I messed something up. So now I am missing an email account that corresponds with a data file so I can’t remove the data file, so I can’t remove the old account.”
This was a simple 30 minute fix, I found the missing data files, configured Outlook correctly and helped user with a few Outlook tips to be more efficient.
“We recently moved to an exchange server and have 365 online. We were told through Microsoft that if we subscribed to their Assured help for $149/year, we would get help anytime we need it. They have been horrible at helping us. We would like someone to help us get our google calendars exported over to Office 365 online so we can all share the calendars (with editing capabilities on every person's end), documents, ect. Also, we want to know how to use the excel and word apps on the online version to share amongst ourselves. We have 3 computers. They are all on the same exchange. “
Client ended up hiring the neighbor in their building who knew how to export the calendars.
Hi – I have Outlook 2010 and am in the process of migrating to 365. Really need expert help for all of the steps and would like to speak with you.
This client actually already bought the crappy Office 365 from GoDaddy. I say crappy because GoDaddy is notorious for “switch and bait”. They talk you into buying Office 365 and tell you they will do all the work, but they forget to really help you get it all done. And be prepared for many days of your Outlook not working and working on OWA (online browser version). I helped her configure 2 computers and her tablet and iPhone. Funny how things work when a tech knows how to fix it!
Contact Form for Call That Girl Tech
Outlook Guru
If you are here looking for an Outlook Guru, you came to the right place. Lisa the owner of Call That Girl is an Outlook Expert and Technician. She has over 15 year years of experience supporting all versions of Outlook, all 3rd party apps and exchange. No problem too big for her!
Fast and responsive support, same day appointments available.
To read more about her Outlook skills, click here https://callthatgirl.biz/outlook-support
Ready for a no cost consultation? Use the scheduler below to talk to Lisa directly and get the support you need fast!
Microsoft Email Support
If you are here looking for Microsoft Email Support, you came to the right place. Lisa the owner of Call That Girl is an Outlook Expert and Technician. She has over 15 year years of experience supporting all versions of Outlook, all 3rd party apps and exchange. No problem too big for her!
Fast and responsive support, same day appointments available.
To read more about her Outlook skills, click here https://callthatgirl.biz/outlook-support
Ready for a no cost consultation? Use the scheduler below to talk to Lisa directly and get the support you need fast!
Microsoft Outlook Technical Support
If you are here looking for Microsoft Outlook Technical Support, you came to the right place. Lisa the owner of Call That Girl is an Outlook Expert and Technician. She has over 15 year years of experience supporting all versions of Outlook, all 3rd party apps and exchange. No problem too big for her!
Fast and responsive support, same day appointments available.
To read more about her Outlook skills, click here https://callthatgirl.biz/outlook-support
Ready for a no cost consultation? Use the scheduler below to talk to Lisa directly and get the support you need fast!
Office 365 Expert
If you are searching for an Office 365 Expert, I am a Microsoft Office 365 Consultant and many times get clients in the right direction with Office 365 or help them with their setup, installation and training. My experience includes migrating from Google Apps, IMAP, Pop and Exchange to Exchange.
Some of my clients call in because they have already had a tech assist with their migration, but some things are still not working as expected. This is called “Migration AfterCare” and I offer that help.
How can I help you today? Please call or fill out this request form below. 612-865-4475