Microsoft Outlook can’t add an account in Windows 11

| January 21, 2022

Microsoft Outlook can’t add an account in Windows 11

Hi Folks, this a blog I will try to keep updated as I find issues with Windows 11 and Outlook 365 connecting. I have another blog here you can read also, it has more tips for setting up Outlook with Exchange/IMAP and POP


When you first get your Windows 11 (W11) computer and setup, it will most likely ask you to log in or create a new Microsoft account. There used to be a way around this but after I got my new W11 computer, I found no easy exits – so I just followed the wizard.

  • If you logged in with your business email account in the setup, you probably created a personal Microsoft account with that email. This can and will be complications for you in time when you use Outlook. You will need to disconnect the personal email to have a better Outlook experience.
  • If you logged in with another email account, you should be fine or in a better place for the future.

Let’s say you didn’t log in with your business email and Outlook still won’t connect. Here are a few things you can try. The top of the list is what fixed my own issue, yep even I had adding account problems and I’m happy I got to figure it out!

  • You need to first log into your 365 Account
  • Then go to the top right corner and click on the 2 initials, go to “view my account”
  • Then go to “Security Info”
  • Create yourself an app password, name it whatever you like. The 16 letters are your new password for Outlook. Try using that password and if that fails, then email me. The next fix requires changing the registry and I’m not comfortable adding a .zip file to this blog.

The SARA Microsoft Fix tool did not help with this problem.

If you want to email me, you can do so

Or you can schedule time on my calendar if you want me to help solve this problem. You can use the form below to contact me.

Feel free to leave a comment if this blog helped you! I am enjoying reading and replying to them.

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Category: Outlook Support

About the Author ()

Lisa Hendrickson is the owner of Call That Girl. She is an Outlook Expert and Microsoft 365 Consultant.

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