Barracuda Email Blocked Message

| September 20, 2024

Barracuda Email Blocked Message

I helped a client this past week who was getting server reply messages from Barracuda, saying their message was blocked. The client had all the DNS records accurate: SPF, DMARC and DKIM. The client was getting this with every person they emailed who had a Barracuda account. Through all the testing we did, I found one answer that is so far working for them.

While we are not 100% sure this will work for everyone, I believe that it was a link in the signature causing this.

Client had their normal signature but in addition, there was another website link that was not really used but the client wanted to have it for people to click on. I don’t think this website had all the records up to date for DNS, we are still working on that but for now, I believe the link was the cause.

Try removing any signatures and see if emails deliver again. Test with adding a new signature with a different hotlink for any websites. Figure it out by removing/then adding during your testing.

Barracuda will not help people who do not have accounts with them, so you’re out of luck trying unless you have the person who has Barracuda add you to the safe senders list. Barracuda is 1000% serious about this.

If you need my help with anything else, use the form below. Happy to help!


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Category: Outlook Support

About the Author ()

Lisa Hendrickson is the owner of Call That Girl. She is an Outlook Expert and Microsoft 365 Consultant.

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