How to analyze email headers in New Outlook

| September 21, 2024

How to analyze email headers in New Outlook

Well, so far with my research, I can only find one way to analyze email headers. The end user has to have Message Header Analyzer added to the Integrated Apps in 365 admin deployed. Then in New Outlook, the MHA will show up and you have the end user copy and paste the information and email to you. See images below.

They have to double click the email and then the MHA icon shows up. They can click on it and then they will see the information. They can change the view to how you want. I noticed they just added “classic” view (as of Sep 21, 2024) and then they can copy and email to you. They need to click on the gear icon for this.

I don’t know much about analyzing headers to be honest, but it’s one of the things in my research I wanted to figure out right away as I do work with email delivery issues and often have to send the headers to others to help. If you need my help, use the contact form below.

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Category: Outlook Support

About the Author ()

Lisa Hendrickson is the owner of Call That Girl. She is an Outlook Expert and Microsoft 365 Consultant.

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