How to setup iCloud in New Outlook
How to setup iCloud in New Outlook
If you want to setup iCloud with New Outlook, it’s pretty easy!
You need to launch New Outlook, then log in with your iCloud account. Or if you have it setup, go to the settings in the upper right corner and find “Accounts” and add your iCloud there. Keep in mind if you have another email account using the same email as your iCloud account, you might have issues. New Outlook will give an error if your iCloud email has a Microsoft account, which is very common for home users. They tend to use one email account for just about everything. Example….some folks have used their AOL account since the 90’s. They setup a personal Microsoft account with the AOL email and when they got their first iPhone, they setup their iCloud with AOL. This can be very confusing in the new cloud infrastructure.
So for New Outlook, when you launch it and log in, if you get an error, then you most likely have a Microsoft account (or Gmail possibly) and need to rename those accounts so you can use iCloud with New Outlook. I will say that I love what New Outlook offers in terms of setting up accounts to synch without a 3rd party app or software, Gmail, iCloud, and Yahoo (at least it did) synch calendar and contacts.
If you need my help, use the form below. I can help set it up, rename other accounts, etc.
Category: Outlook Support