Living on the edge of your inbox

| July 21, 2010 | 1 Comment

I wake up everyday and first thing I do is check my Blackberry to review what email I got over night. I know it’s an addiction at this point, so you don’t need to tell me that. I am aware of it. If they had a Blackberry anonymous group, I would probably go!

Lately though, I have noticed how much email I have been getting a day and realized that I needed to start getting it under control. It was at around 150! And since I am running a business, I would spend each evening organizing and replying to all of these emails. Very exhausting. The idea of starting to  use rules and subfolders for my email is something that a professional organizer would probably want to do for me, so I stepped up and started doing it myself.

Here is what I have been doing, and it’s a process. You have to do it almost everyday to make it work. I have noticed results and it’s getting better. I woke up to 2 emails today instead of 20.

First let’s start with this.

Today, only answer the important emails. The business critical ones, the ones that really need to be answered. Let the rest go, do not move them or delete them or anything. Just let them sit.

Tomorrow morning will be when the work starts. If you are like me, you probably wake up to 20 emails, mostly all the newsletters and updates you have subscribed to.  I got to the point, it was annoying and wanted them gone. Just sick of them and needed them organized or to not come to me anymore.

Tomorrow am: Open each email with a directive thought. Here are a few examples of my emails.

  1. Things I must do NOW
  2. Things I must do later
  3. General FYI, but I need to keep the info
  4. Newsletters
  5. Special Projects
  6. Etc

Next, create a subfolder in your email program to reflect these needs. Then move all of those emails to those folders with the exception of the newsletters.

Once your email is organized a bit, then attack the newsletters. I started unsubscribing from newsletters that I didn’t want anymore and then created a rule for ALL newsletters to go to. I want to read them, just not today. I prefer to read through them on weekends when I have time. So now I know where those are. My email inbox is now pretty clean and in just 3 days, I have already noticed a big change! I love it!

I am by far not a professional organizer, but this was pretty easy for me to get going with, took a few minutes a day and well worth it. Trust me, I had the feeling of living on the edge of my inbox and now I’m not feeling it so much. Yes, I’m still addicted to the Blackberry and yes, I still check emails every morning, but now I feel better I don’t have to clean up so many emails when I get on the computer.




Microsoft Office 365 Consultant 2

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About the Author ()

Lisa Hendrickson is the owner of Call That Girl. She is an Outlook Expert and Microsoft 365 Consultant.

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  1. cliff payton says:

    i have purchased your ebooks, would like to get your newsletters.

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