My first job…a 411 operator

| May 22, 2009 | 0 Comments

Below is a picture of me sitting in front of a USWest/Qwest terminal. I was a 411 operator from 1988-1995. I look back at this picture and just laugh. The reason why I am holding up a little notepad with the word “jerk” on it was because one of my co-workers just bought a new camera and was taking pictures of everything. So I wrote that up and when he said he was taking my pic, I flashed the “jerk” sign. What is really more hilarious is the big ol green screen monitor working off  a terminal system. Little did I know back then I would own a computer repair company 20 years later (eeks! 20 years flies by!)


The Qwest job by far was never one of my favorites, but I was making great money for a kid that age. I drove a sports car and took trips often. Ah, the good old days of having freedom and not caring about anything but where I was going out that night. I had to work many split shifts and weekends, but that was the life of a 411 operator. Times have changed now, we get the computerized 411 lady now–which I hate. As I build my business I have learned a few things…I will do the exact opposite of everyone else and NEVER ever, no matter how big my business gets, ever have a phone queue, “press 1 for this, press 2 for that”. 

Call That Girl will always always always have a live person answering phones…unless of course, I’m out of the office:)

Happy Friday everyone!

Category: Call That Girl's Tech Blogs

About the Author ()

Lisa Hendrickson is the owner of Call That Girl. She is an Outlook Expert and Microsoft 365 Consultant.

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