Something went wrong with the data files and Outlook needs to close

| June 11, 2020 | 2 Comments

Something went wrong with the data files and Outlook needs to close

This error took  me down a few troubleshooting roads. The issue was that after a Windows update, my clients Gsuite launched the above error. A bunch of old PST files starting coming back to life and none of them were in the Gsuite setup (very odd!)

I did my usual Outlook troubleshooting and finally, I found the right registry fix. If you are new to troubleshooting Outlook, this might not work for you and might break something else. I highly recommend you backup the registry and all Outlook email accounts/calendar and contacts to a PST before performing any work. If you need my help, you can use my scheduler below.

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\PSTPromptRepair
Tip…you might need to select Office 16 and if the PST Prompt Repair is not there, this fix won’t probably work. 

Change the value of the current Window. Change the value to 0, if it is 1.


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Category: Outlook Support

About the Author ()

Lisa Hendrickson is the owner of Call That Girl. She is an Outlook Expert and Microsoft 365 Consultant.

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  1. Raul says:

    Thanks for sharing this, we started having a few cases globally in our company and we could not find a fix for a few days. Great website and I’ve subscribed to your YouTube Channel.

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