Tag: WindowsXP

Your New Year Technology Check List

| January 7, 2014 | 0 Comments


Our clients call in to get current technology problems fixed. In many cases, we end up finding even more problems than they knew about! However, I always help them find the solutions that will make their business day more efficient. It’s my job to know this stuff! Here is a checklist of the main problems people call with. How many can you check off?

1.) Do you have a good paid for antivirus program? Free ones don’t really work. They might for a bit, but when you really need them to, they won’t. Norton is still a favorite, but I don’t recommend using Norton if your computer is slow and old. Norton and McAfee still cause “unknown slowdowns” on fast computers. And not to mention, networking issues on occasion.

2.) Are you for sure backing up? If you are not sure, now is the time to check. If you have an external hard drive, be sure to unplug it when you’re done backing up.

3.) Are you using an old computer with Windows XP? You will need to think about getting a new one in April of 2014, as Windows XP will no longer be supported by Microsoft.

4.) Are your current email, calendar and contacts not synching with your other computers and smartphones? Are you tired of band-aiding multiple computers and smartphones just to keep your life organized?

5.) Are you having difficulty sharing data from one computer to another?

6.) Is your website a mess? Time for a refresh!

We can help you with all of these issues and find you new affordable solutions. Call us or email today. 612-865-4475 Lisa@callthatgirl.biz