What are the top five issues the computer repair industry faces?

| December 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

It was recommended from a newsletter I received that I should blog about my industry and let my social media followers and Google finders see other points of view I have, outside of just my IT knowledge. Makes sense right? I am a real person with real issues too. I do! You just don’t know them or see them.

Let’s start with #1

  1. Technology changing quickly. Yep, you would think that we would love this, and we do…but when technology advances so quickly, that means we have to double step, do repairs and keep up on the back end on how to fix the issues you will have soon. So when I say “I have to work tonight” chances are good that I am testing or playing around or learning more about your issues you’re going to have with your “technology need of the day”. I’m always on high alert and always learning. Let’s put this this way, I’m earning my own Masters Degree. My head is spinning, but I love it. If this business stayed stagnant, I would probably be bored. I still enjoy troubleshooting to this day and figuring out why something broke and how to fix it.
  2. Pricing. Pricing is so important. We all know our value is high for the work we do and knowledge we have, but finding that perfect sweet spot is very difficult sometimes. Many of my competitors are much higher in price and one of my well known competitors is almost double  with onsite prices, it’s hard for me to even think about pricing that high and we know we are worth it! We need to be in the place that the common person will pay to get their computer repaired and earn enough for us to stay afloat and hopefully make money. So when it comes to raising prices, it’s always a bit scary. I usually do price adjustments at the end of the year.
  3. Competing with the next guy. Yes, this is a huge concern for many smaller shops. We all check on each other and figure out what services they are not offering and how can we offer more or get more clients than the next guy. If you are in a service industry, you know your competition better than most probably. With everyone having most every service on their websites, nothing is left to the imagination almost. I admit on checking on the competition, but for the most part….seems my competitors have fairly static sites and nothing seems to change front of house.
  4. Being too busy or not busy enough. Ugh…it’s never win win. It’s the best curse to be super busy and for weeks on end, but then eventually everyone burns out and you decide to hire, then of course, it slows down! Since our business relies on people having computer problems, we have to play this game. It’s not a game for the faint of heart either, you’re either a risk taker or you’re not. If you’re not, then you may want to structure your business for retainer work and not cash flow.
  5. Having great support in place. If you’re a one man shop, then you are your best support person! Or are you? If you don’t think so…here are a few tips on how to be the best support person. Be sure that you check your voicemails everyday and return calls the same day. Also be sure to check your emails often and return all emails same day. Keeping up with these two communications are key to doing great support. People like responsiveness and fast service. Even if you can’t service them today, let them know and get them on your calendar. If you have a front of house person doing the intake and phones, then make sure they know your procedures and processes well enough to answer basic questions and turns those calls into hot leads in your shop. If they have a bit of a sales background, you will be much happier to have that in a support person.





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About the Author ()

Lisa Hendrickson is the owner of Call That Girl. She is an Outlook Expert and Microsoft 365 Consultant.

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