Apply Today: Email Hoarders Buried Alive
If you can admit to any of these…we need to check you into the Betty Crocker Email Rehab clinic.
- You have over 1000 emails in your inbox, 750 are unread
- Worse, you have over 10,000 in your inbox, don’t make me guess who many are unread!
- (worse worse…you have Google Apps and have over 30,000 in your ALL MAIL folder WOW), it happens, call me asap if so! I’ll book you right away, you are in DANGER!!!
- You will open an email, read it, close it. Read it later, decide to maybe move on it. Close it. Read it later, then decide it’s not worth your precious time right now, mark it “Unread” so you remember to read it later with the other 749 unread “to do” emails later on. Those unread emails are really an “email graveyard” ya know!
- You have over 100 Folders upon folders with more “unread” to do emails.
- Do you have them organized by “career” or “year”. I personally don’t do either, I just dump everything into one big fast PST! let’s all drink the email hoarding Kool-Aid 🙂
- You are the rule queen! Everything has a rule and the rules work, so you are more efficient! rules that are broken, don’t work and worse. Have 100’s of unread email in those.
- You are a spam magnet
- AOL, enough said
- You love your spam and you enjoy every bit of it! Unread!
it’s my job to get you to “zero inbox rule” and that means, you leave work, you have no email. Every email is organized, tasks are created and you can have a life again. Email can suck the life out of you if you don’t know how to manage it.
Next blog…Contact Hoarders, to know one is to be proud of one.
Oh yes, there are contact hoarders too and I have found, you are one or the other. No two hoarders are the same!
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