Core Services

| December 10, 2023

Clients who have worked with me for years know how fast and efficient I can be during our time together. Since many only call me every year or so when they have problems, things can change on their computers; such as a new computer, more data, new accounts and configurations can change. Starting now and in 2024, I will be using my new core services outline for all appointments. If you’d like my help solving problems and want me to support you in the future, it’s important we complete this list your first time you call. The core list won’t need to be done every time you call as we will have the notes.

When you book an appt, here is the list of services you receive: 

  1. Onboarding: I will review your computer, settings, configurations, Windows and Office updates, Microsoft accounts, issues you’re having and verify your backup. I will open a note pad on your computer to take notes. This can take 5-15 minutes depending on your issues. This is mandatory for all appointments.
  2. Game Plan: Once onboarding is completed, I will work on a game plan to complete your request. This will include options for you such as migrating your IMAP to Microsoft 365, or 3rd party apps you need to add/remove, options for backup if you don’t have any.
  3. Soft Quote: After the game plan is created, if you need more time than just one hour, I will give a soft quote. Some clients call with one issue and end up needing more work to reach their goals, this would possibly change my hourly rate or more time needed to complete.
  4. Start Work: I will start the work. Keep in mind some requests might take a couple of appointments due to downloading/uploading, synching, etc.
  5. Follow Up: Follow up is optional but most clients request it because once I’m done with your request, I tell you to use it for a day or so and create a list of questions, then I can cover it in the follow up appointment, usually the next day.
  6. Follow Up/AfterCare: During the follow up, I’ll answer questions or fix other minor issues still lingering. I also will discuss your backup now that your emails/data are configured correctly. For some it might be to set up Carbonite or Microsoft 365 backup options. We will also schedule a follow-up appointment if you’d like for 3-6 months ahead. I will also offer training for you if you need email management help or want training for your company.
  7. Close: You will also get an offer to buy another hour to use in 15 min increments for future help. As we just completed a request that was most likely a rework of your system, the next calls you might have are “quick questions” or fast repairs I can help with.


Category: Outlook Support

About the Author ()

Lisa Hendrickson is the owner of Call That Girl. She is an Outlook Expert and Microsoft 365 Consultant.

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