Important phone number to keep handy

| May 24, 2010 | 0 Comments

It’s our number at Call That Girl!

If your internet goes down, how can you “Google” computer repair? We all seem to rely on our internet providers way too much. Just last weekend I had another problem, this time with my internet.  (Remember in the past 2 months, I have had a laptop die on me and I watched a virus infect my computer).  When the cable company did a “hit” to my tv to check status, it also reset my internet modem.  I wasn’t on the internet when they were working on the tv, so I had no idea until later my internet was down. A few hours later, I found my internet was on, then off, then on….I had enough and hard wired my laptop to the router and it still didn’t work right. Then I reset everything, including my Linksys router and it still was off. I gave up for the day and the next morning called the cable company and yes…the modem needed to be reset.

Of course. I should have known or figured it out, but when we have problems like this, we think it’s our fault. Not always the case, but in this case I should have done the math early on and called the cable company right away, saving me frustration.

With all of that being said, if your internet is down and you don’t have Yellow Books anymore, calling us will maybe help you out down the line.

Office: 612-865-4475   

Night/Weekend: 612-865-4475

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About the Author ()

Lisa Hendrickson is the owner of Call That Girl. She is an Outlook Expert and Microsoft 365 Consultant.

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