Tag: Tips on how to buy Office 365
Microsoft Office 365 Tips
Microsoft Office 365 Tips
Hi Folks! I decided this past week to create a quick blog series about Microsoft Office 365 for end users and for new technicians to learn. The first blog is about tips on buying Office 365 (from who, how). The second blog is about what version to buy and the third is best support options. I also created a pricing page so you can get an idea how pricing can go for vendors, migrations, support. Of course I can help with my partners, but this blog series is intended for you to learn and make better decisions with your Office 365.
Tips on Microsoft Office 365 Support
Tips on Microsoft Office 365 Support
Office 365 Microsoft vs Vendor vs Your Local Tech
Well folks, this ends my 3 part series of Office 365 tips. I’ll close with discussing support which is a very important part of your Office 365 experience.
So you want to buy, you read my tips and now you have to decide what to do. Buy from Microsoft directly? Go through a vendor or buy through your local computer tech (Me or your tech of choice).
Many folks get so excited about getting into O365, they buy direct from Microsoft and then learn some lessons right away. There are no instruction manuals on how to use the products and Microsoft will not migrate your email from your current email host to their Exchange product. They don’t have easy instructions to follow to setup OneDrive correctly or how to use SharePoint. Teams is pretty easy to figure out as well as Skype for Business, Bookings and other new add-ins, but the first three I mentioned usually requires help from an experienced technician. If you buy from Microsoft, you will have to use their support for everything if you don’t have a vendor or technician.
Now let’s say you are about to buy and decide to work with a bigger vendor on your own. They should handle the migration work and will help with first level work, but any detail work is not their sweet spot. This is when I start getting calls, when issues arise outside of their knowledge range.
If you have now decided to work with your local technician or myself, this is what you should expect. Experience and Managed Expectations.
Plus you are supporting someone who owns their own business, has pride in their work, usually answers calls quickly and you are their client, so you and should expect faster service and never have to call Microsoft yourself.
I am one of the local techs (*remote counts) and use AppRiver as my vendor. So I have 24×7 backup for my clients. When I set up a client with AppRiver, they pay Appriver, call them for basic first level needs and I help with the rest. I don’t have contracts but sell prepay tickets. Each local tech company will have their own setup, some might have a monthly managed service plan that includes support and some like me, might use another vendor. And there are some that work straight with Microsoft and you still should only work with the local tech company.
With so many ways to support Office 365, what is best option? Consider your budget before making any decision. While it may appear to be a bit more heavy on the budget to pay a smaller company, you usually get better support and customer service. Remember you get what you pay for and downtime can be costly for you.
Below is a link to check out my pricing for migration work and my Office 365 support. Feel free to compare with other companies while you are searching for your next support company.
Contact me if you want to discuss your Office 365!
Tips on how to buy Office 365
Tips on how to buy Office 365
Tips on how to buy Office 365 – a very long but informative blog
This could be an eBook but it would be outdated the first day I published it, so I opted to make a quick “newsletter/blog” and hope these tips don’t change overnight. If you are a new to Office 365, you will learn that Microsoft loves changing things without sending me a memo about it 
Before I go into this, I will discuss the 2 different Office 365 plans. Did you know there was 2? Did you know that there was many more? Not many folks do! For the sake of my audience, I will just cover 2 of them.
And reminder! If you see the words “Office 365” it is always a subscription. Other products with the name “Office 2016” are purchases.
Office 365 Home is the version you can buy at a retail store or online, 5 installations for $99. This version is intended for one person or family to share. This is not the version for businesses. It includes the Office 2016, OneDrive, Skype minutes and the best part, SUPPORT for the software! Believe it or not, this is my favorite part. Sometimes Outlook can be tricky to fix and having Microsoft remote in is very helpful to my time and the clients time. Many fixes they have, I don’t have. (Did I mention I’m not on that memo list either?)
If you buy at a store, you will have to create an account online and find the install links in your account. This is the only Office 365 product I recommend buying from Microsoft (not the business packages). I recommend buying this online directly from Microsoft.
Office 365 Business offers many different packages, in fact too many flavors for me to get into but here is a quick tip! Most of my clients need 2 things, Office and Exchange (the email, calendar and contact syncing program). Some folks want the bigger Office that includes SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams and other now popular applications.
I don’t recommend buying from:
GoDaddy – #1 on my list. If you love your account with GoDaddy, please excuse the rest of this part, but you should be warned about some changes that have happened lately.
- They do not participate in the plans that allow you to transfer your account easily. In fact, if you want more products or need other products, you have to close your account with them, and setup a new account with another company. You have to pay for the install/setup and migration fees to the new company. I do this for clients, so I know…as I bill them for this work. I am helping a client this week move her entire company to a “Better Vendor” because she can’t add an application to her Office 365 account. This will cost her a lot of money, downtime and she can’t get a refund unfortunately.
- Restricted Access: GoDaddy doesn’t think you should play with the pretty buttons that you or your tech company need to do more advanced work with your Office 365 account. I have had to call in to get simple issues resolved or completed.
- Be careful of being oversold and under-delivered. I have been told that “buy their 3-year deal” was so good, clients could not resist. The techs on the first call also get paid commission so every great sale helps their paycheck. Be careful here because if you have an issue and need better support or another product, this is where that great deal might go sour for you.
- Also, they promise “seamless” migrations. Ok if you are one of the lucky ones. Their migration might take days and have issues and since you put the migration in their hands, there is nothing they can do to stop it or fix it while it’s going on. Had some calls about this and there is nothing I can do either!
Be careful buying Office 365 or Office from sites off the internet. While their pricing may be eye-catching, you might have issues down the road with these purchases and not worth your time to get the licenses figured out. I have been paid a lot of money to figure out these $30 savings.
Buying Office 365 Business direct from Microsoft. If you decide to buy from them directly, you will save a few dollars, but you are on your own for support. Setting up the Office products is not difficult, but for Exchange and a few other programs, they are not easy to configure, migrate email and setup and that is how I get a lot of my calls in. There was no “guide” and people do things themselves and get caught up in some messes.
I recommend purchasing from:
- I help clients purchase Office 365 Business from my vendor who has awesome 24×7 support. Due to my business model I decided to not “resell” for many reasons but my vendor is always open and has a great sales and support team. Most vendors do basic support, this is where I come in, to handle the rest. I do the exchange migrations, SharePoint help, setup in Outlook, configure the calendars, etc. Consider Call That Girl your “Support” company, the vendor is for passwords, new accounts, very simple Outlook issues.
- If you want to work with a local company, call computer shops or IT professional companies in your area and find out if they sell and support Office 365 Business. Be sure to find out their pricing and support included and their experience with Exchange most importantly. These shops should be a direct Microsoft partner or use a vendor like I do. If you specifically want to use a product such as SharePoint, be sure they have experience as SharePoint is fairly robust. This is one of the main calls I get in from clients, “We setup SharePoint and OneDrive and it’s a huge mess”. Get your new SharePoint and OneDrive setup the right way, the first time!
- Buy Office 365 Home from Microsoft directly as I said above.
These are some simple tips. If you have specific questions, I can help with my new Quick Question helpdesk or you can book a 1-hour appointment and have many and more specific questions answered. I tell folks that I can cover a lot in 1 hour and then you will know more before you buy in and have your company fully transitioned to Office 365. If after the 1-hour consult you want to work with Call That Girl, I do migrations and extended Office 365 support with my 4 and 8 hour prepay tickets.
To schedule time on my calendar http://bit.ly/1C2IoEO
To read more about my prepay tickets https://callthatgirl.biz/pricing-expectations

New Service Added for Call That Girl – Quick Question Helpdesk
Due to so many folks on the internet and current clients who have a “Quick Question” and it’s something that can probably be figured out with a couple of emails, I am now offering a $10 per month “Call That Girl Quick Question Helpdesk”.
I already offer this as a free service to my prepay clients. Moving to this level will be helpful for you but there are some restrictions. It does not include phone or remote support. If the questions lead to me needing to help, it is a regular appointment then.
There is no contract just a monthly payment of $10 to keep you in the program. I also offer some content to only paid subscribers so you can read and learn more. In time I will have more offerings but to get started, just go to my page here and subscribe. This is new so if there are bugs to figure out, I will take care of it! I’m excited to help more folks with simple questions!