Technical Advisor Minneapolis

| June 22, 2019 | 0 Comments

I’m an Outlook Expert, Office 365 Consultant and social media advisor now specializing in technical advisor roles for small businesses in the Minneapolis area.

Small businesses need an expert in technology to help them with many facets of their business. Some businesses, such as a one person home office, just need someone to help them with the little things.  Such as purchasing computers, setting up new computers, migrating data, transitioning them to a new platform such as Office 365, social media or just need help answering quick questions. Some businesses are larger and may have an IT person on staff or contracted, but they still need help with Outlook, email and Office 365 or want faster help.  Some folks just need help with projects like Office 365 migrations and training the products. Lately I have been getting calls from smaller companies that need general IT help for email, social media, WordPress, newsletters and blogging. I have plenty of experience doing this as I get most of my clients via Google, YouTube or Linkedin!

This is where I can help all small businesses. I have 25 years experience working in many different environments; 4 years in a University environment, 7 years in the corporate world and have owned my own business since 2007. Since 2013, I solely work as an Outlook Expert and Office 365 consultant, with many years of tech support under my belt I can help with many requests. I consider my business a helpdesk for anything. Even if you have a managed services company, I can help triage with them and work with them, many of my clients use my services for this reason. They don’t want to deal with technology at all.

My specialties include Outlook and Office 365, Gsuite and all cloud applications. If you have a request outside of my wheelhouse, I probably have a referral who can partner with me or take the job on as a contractor.

Services I can support

  • Email/Outlook
  • Simple Windows issues (I have a trusted company who handles deep Windows problems)
  • Online backup
  • Office 365
  • Social Media (WordPress, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Newsletters, SEO)
  • iPhone/iPad/Phone synchronizing

What is your budget? 

I tell all my clients to be prepared that I bill by hour.  Most of the requests I get are a 2 hour minimum because they have complicated issues. I figure the issues out and my pricing is fair for hiring an expert. I have fair billing practices and do not bill you for time I am not working on your issues. I also have a research queue so I will look into interesting problems on my own time and get back to you with a resolution or another option. I tell folks to consider a budget for now and in the future. Businesses sometimes need to work on getting things fixed now and work on bigger budget items later. I get it, but you need to know approximate pricing and sometimes putting in the money to get things in order now is worth it in the future.


I have 1 hour and 4 hours tickets available. I also offer project pricing. My one hour ticket is best for a consult to talk and discuss options or remote in and get started on repairing your issues. I can also remote in and get going and show you things and offer ideas. A 4-hour ticket is for those that want time tracked and can use the ticket in smaller amounts of time. I do not offer contracts.

  • 1 hour starts at $159 to $199 an hour – depending on services needed
  • 4 hour tickets range from $499 to $599 – depending on services needed
    • Tracked in 15 min increments
    • Simple email questions are free
    • Tickets do no expire
    • Anyone in the company may use the ticket time
    • Online scheduler link to bypass payment available
    • Access to my personal cell phone
  • Training is quoted per project
  • Day help desk $1000 usually needed for larger migrations

How it works

Create a list of issues you need resolved. Consider the future of your business when you work on this list. Many companies are using older on-premise servers and want to move to the cloud. Some businesses want to sync all their data to many devices and their phones/iPads. The more information you can give me, the better our first consult will be. Usually in a consult I listen to your issues you are having but think outside the box for you and ask more questions to get a better idea of the issues you’re having.

What to expect

I work as fast as you want to work. Usually clients want immediate issues resolved but that could be a band-aid. I’m good with doing whatever you and your team is comfortable with. You will never be oversold or pushed to do anything. Sometimes band-aids to issues are better fixed by moving to another program and not trying to fix old software.

Projects that clients call for the most

  • Fix their syncing issues for many computers and phones/devices.
  • Fix Outlook issues
  • Moving their email to a Microsoft server
  • Moving data from an old server to Office 365 SharePoint or Dropbox
  • Training on the software they use
  • Social Media

More about Exchange

In all my years of supporting Microsoft Exchange and Office 365, I have been through all the bumps and problems you will encounter. My job is help your company transition as seamless as possible. I can help with creating a game plan prior and working in small bites to make sure everything is covered. From purchasing the right Office 365 products, installing the software, migrating your email to Exchange, migrating your on-premise server data to SharePoint and training is everything I can help with. I have partners who can help with the migration and more advanced Office 365 needs.

I have done over 1000 migrations in the last 10+ years from pop/IMAP email accounts to Microsoft Exchange or I know all the problems that can happen and know how to prevent them or manage them after. Managing expectations and the technical glitches that may arise is very important when transitioning to new systems

Why hire me?

  • Therapist. I know people and what they can handle. I talk to you like a person, not a computer. I like to consider myself an email therapist
  • Experience. 25 years of helpdesk. I know how to fix simple technical glitches fast. Saving you hours of googling and have downtime and frustrations.
  • Training. Many don’t think they need training but this is one of the most important pieces to a successful transition to Office 365. You are paying a premium price for a solid program, your employees need to know how to use the products to make it beneficial.
  • Software financial advisor.  Stop over buying. I help clients buy the products they need vs what they are pushed to buy, like GoDaddy that pushes everything
  • Project Manager. I help you organize a project and can manage expectations, do the communications and make sure everyone is on track
  • I listen. You can tell me all your problems and I will help you figure out what you need to learn and what you need fixed.
  • I explain. I try my best to explain in simple terms how all these work. Many products sell you on something that doesn’t make sense, I explain it all and help you learn it.

“I believe in doing what you do best and delegating everything else.  That only works if you get the right people in place.  Lisa is that person.” –Abe Tatosian, AirTime Media

“I only wish I’d reached out to Lisa years earlier—she’s incredible, and fun to work with, too!” –Barbara Oakley, Professor of Engineering and New York Times best-selling author

“My entire career has been tech-heavy and I have worked with a lot of IT people. Lisa is among the best. She has my highest recommendation!” –Ruth Danielson, Mulberry Street Market Intel

“Lisa is an asset worth investing in. She worked quickly, was very professional, always on time & her vast knowledge of computers was very impressive.” –Michael Fischbach, Dover Insurance

Read more about Lisa and her professional history!

View client testimonials here!

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Category: Outlook Support

About the Author ()

Lisa Hendrickson is the owner of Call That Girl. She is an Outlook Expert and Microsoft 365 Consultant.

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