Want an upgrade from Comcast or Qwest? Give them a call!

| December 9, 2009 | 0 Comments

Many of of you added on high speed internet years ago, you pay the same each month…but you are still paying for the lowest upload/download packages they had offered at that time. Times are changing and the packages are must faster now (for the same price you are paying for the old package!)

Why is this? Because they ware not going to upgrade you unless YOU ASK THEM. 

I have recommendations to many of my clients to call Comcast or Qwest and find out what package you are on and see if you qualify for the upgrade for free, most are finding they are qualified.

It will take a call and going through the drama we all hate when calling large corporations, but this one may be worth it.  Ask what package you are on now and see if there is another package for the same price. They may ask if you want to pay $10 for a bit extra. I tend to find many of my clients are taking the extra package because so many people are downloading right now, it’s worth the speed.

I’m usually just fine with what I pay for. I don’t need to download at Superman speeds. Hope this helps and gives you a bump on your internet speed!

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About the Author ()

Lisa Hendrickson is the owner of Call That Girl. She is an Outlook Expert and Microsoft 365 Consultant.

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