Can you setup Microsoft 365 Exchange and Google Workspace in the same Outlook profile

| October 17, 2021

Can you setup Microsoft 365 Exchange and Google Workspace in the same Outlook profile

This is a yes and no answer.

If you want Microsoft 365 Exchange to be the default, then Google Workspace will only work if you set it up as IMAP. The calendars and contacts will not sync from Google Workspace to the Outlook profile. But you can setup a calendar and use a 3rd party syncing product such as Gsyncit to do that.

Why is this? Microsoft likes it’s own product better, so it wins.

Next up: 

Can you setup Google Workspace and add a Microsoft 365 Exchange account?

Yes and no, it will work but you will have some bugs and find some challenges. Such as calendars not working, might not be able to email from the Exchange account. Pretty much, Microsoft wins again here.


Setup the Google Workspace first, then setup Microsoft 365 Exchange as IMAP. No contacts and calendar will sync, I don’t know of any products out there to sync up but Code2 might have one.

Can you have it all? No, sadly. I rework Outlook the best I can but there are always struggles with Microsoft and Google programs, and if you have a Mac, welcome to the trifecta.

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About the Author ()

Lisa Hendrickson is the owner of Call That Girl. She is an Outlook Expert and Microsoft 365 Consultant.

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